Thursday, November 17, 2011

Never a Dull Moment

As most know I was in the hospital this week and am now home. I've had lots of brave people that I love deal with much worst than what I had. The courage of the people I know in worst situations humbles me- they were my "be brave like them" thoughts. So I'm not going to write much about my treatments, just that all went well and I'm perfect now! I also had a life changing/affirming experience with regards to my views of health care for all Americans. Finally, I will always be grateful to the country of India, to Hirananadani Hospital, to my doctors and nurses, and to my colleagues here in Mumbai who took me in and got me better. My Mom, Dad, and sisters were amazing. Somehow my Mom tracked me down in an emergency triage unit at 4AM in India and I got to hear her voice and my Dad's when I was most scared. Those are some awesome parents, I must say! While the stay in the hospital was not planned - I learned more about kindness, compassion, and care than I could have anywhere else. It was a life-changing experience filled with miracles and God's grace and all I can say is how grateful I am to India for taking me in and accepting me fully, and getting me all better. XOXOXO Madeleine

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